
Archive for May, 2013

Just the Facts, Please

Posted by jdkartchner on May 14, 2013

Last weekend I took my son fishing with two of my brothers-in-laws.  One of the brothers-in-laws family has a cabin up Logan Canyon in Northern Utah where we fished the Logan River.  When my son caught his first fish of the weekend and we were releasing it, he reminded me of the first time I took him fishing and the first fish he ever caught.

On that first fishing trip we stopped to take pictures with his first catch. After we took pictures I casually told my son to, “toss the fish back in the lake.”  He was young, probably about five years old at the time and had just started playing little league baseball.  He did exactly what I said. He wound up and tossed the fish into the lake.  The poor fish probably flew about 30 feet or so before splashing back into the lake.

I turned and laughed as did my brother who was with us.  My son didn’t understand what was so funny and I explained to him that I was laughing because he had done exactly what I told him to do.  I don’t think he quite got it at that time but now that he’s older he realizes why my brother and I laughed.

I had a similar, more recent experience a couple of weeks ago.  I live in Utah where Spring is always a big tease.  One day it’s sunny and warm and the next day it snows.  After one recent April weekend of nice weather, we started the week off with a rainy and wet Monday.  I didn’t realize just how rainy until I ran an errand with a colleague.  On the way to the car we were both surprised at how rainy it was and how wet we both were in the short distance it took us to walk form the building to the car.

After running the errand, on the way back into the office, I had my head down to shield my eyes from the rain.  As we climbed the stairs leading up to the office, I somehow missed the last stair and fell face forward on the wet, cold pavement.  My colleague heard the noise I made as I fell. Other than my pride, I wasn’t hurt.  My pants were wetter than I liked and I ripped the plastic bag I had in my hands.  My colleague asked if I was ok and I told him that I was fine.

Later in the day, I called and talked to my wife and was telling her about my fall.  I’m prone to exaggeration and I jokingly described my tumble as a face plant.  My wife was immediately concerned.  I’m sure in her mind, based on my word choice she had an image of me falling and my face bouncing off the pavement.  Naturally, based on my exaggeration she was concerned that I was ok.  I told her I didn’t really fall flat on my face and as I told her about what happened she was able to laugh at my clumsiness.

Later that night as I walked in the house, my seven-year-old daughter ran up and asked me if my face was ok.  I said yes and was waiting for the punch line.  Turns out there wasn’t a punch line, she was just concerned that I had fallen on my face.

I explained that I was able to put my hands down as I fell and caught myself before smacking my face on the pavement.  She seemed relieved and happy that I wasn’t hurt.

After explaining this to my seven-year-old, I proceeded to walk into the kitchen and my five-year old daughter asked me the same question, “Is your face ok?”  I explained to her too that I was ok and didn’t actually hit my face on the ground when I fell.  My five-year-old also expressed relief that I wasn’t hurt.

My ten-year-old son was doing homework in another room and when he finished walked into the kitchen and the first thing he asked was if my face was ok.  I was touched by the concern from my three kids and also more aware than ever before that it pays to be accurate.  My joke about face planting while walking up the steps caused needless concern and worry to my family.  Often jokes like that or other forms of exaggeration and or hyperbole that seem commonplace in regular vernacular can regularly be misinterpreted and cause unnecessary concern or confusion.

A good rule of thumb is to remember to be accurate in the way you answer questions or describe something.  You never know when somebody might take what you say literally.  In the case of dealing with the media it’s especially important to avoid hyperbole, absolutes and exaggerations.  In describing my family’s reaction to my fall, if I describe it as, “They asked me a million times if my face was ok” may seem innocent to most people but may also be interpreted as fact by someone else.  In these cases where somebody understands my statement as fact, it could come back to prove embarrassing or may make me look even more foolish.

In my case, my fall, if described accurately, would have sounded more like, “I wasn’t paying attention as I walked up the stairs and was in too big a hurry to get inside and out of the rain.  In my rush to get inside, I missed the top step and fell forward.  As I fell, I was able to extend my arms and catch myself before falling on my face. I was ok, other than being embarrassed by my lack of grace.”

This description is accurate and leaves less chance of being misconstrued or misunderstood.  Had I provided this description of my tumble it would have saved my family worry and perhaps provided them all with a laugh at my expense.

Author: Jeremy Kartchner | Google+

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Book Review: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel

Posted by jdkartchner on May 13, 2013

Book Title: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The third Wheel

Author: Jeff Kinney


This book is the seventh installment of Jeff Kinney’s popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.  I started reading the books after my ten-year-old son and wife recommended them.  My son started reading them and told my wife about them so she started reading them.

One night while she was reading she was laughing so hard I asked her what was so funny.  She explained what was happening in the book and why it struck her so funny.  She told me I should read them as well because they’re written in a way that shares and captures growing up in a way that just about everybody can relate to.

I’ll admit I was skeptical at first because I thought the books were kids books.  Man, was I wrong.  The books tell the story of Greg Heffley, a kid in elementary school and his experiences growing up with friends, family and school.  Each book progress as he advances in school and different life events.  In the first book, his mom gives him a diary.  At first Greg is disappointed but he soon grows to enjoy writing in the diary and writes about his experiences.

In this seventh book, Greg is in junior high and is planning his first school dance/date.  The book talks about how he tries to impress a specific girl he likes and his struggles to invite her to the dance.

He tries to use his best friend, Rowley, an awkward, kind of goofy kid as his wing man which rarely works to his advantage.  Greg’s biggest fear is that he won’t have a date for the dance.  An unexpected event leads to him getting a date with the girl he likes but with Rowley tagging along as the third wheel.  The real third wheel in this story isn’t who you expect it to be.

I loved the book.  It made me laugh out loud several times and remember some of the odd and trying experiences I had growing up. It made me glad I’ve lived those experiences and don’t have to relive those things myself.  It also made me feel for my son as I know he’s entering the phase of his life where he’ll soon be going through his own right of passage and will be experiencing some of these same things.

This is a must read for kids and adults of any age.  One cool thing I’ve noticed about the seven books is that they all are 217 pages long.  The pages include Greg’s drawings to illustrate the stories he’s writing about.  The books are quick reads and are all kinds of fun.  I could relate to some of his fears and experiences which made the book that much more fun.

Author: Jeremy Kartchner | Google+

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