
Archive for August, 2014

Goooo Team!

Posted by jdkartchner on August 21, 2014

My wife and I were recently asked to plan an event for a youth group in our area. The event was designed to be educational and fun for a group of about 25-40 kids ages 14-18 over the course of three days.

As we began planning we had two other couples that were asked to help in the planning and execution of the event. The extra help was great and very much needed as there is a lot that goes into a three-day event. As the planning went on, we split some of the responsibilities up to ease the burden and share the workload.

My wife and I were pleased as we had a plan in place that we all felt would make the entire process simple and effective. Until one of the other couples, specifically the husband had some issues and decided he wasn’t as committed to the event as the rest of us. It started quickly but slowly. I know tat sounds contradicting, but let me explain what I mean.

After our first meeting he committed to handle some things. This was the first and only meeting he ever attended. His interest dissipated quickly and the results of his lack of interest were a little slower to see and feel. Every meeting it was a new excuse as to why he couldn’t make the meeting. After the first couple of times we just got the point where we knew he wouldn’t be there. His wife would show up but you could tell she was put off by having to carry the full responsibility that she and her husband committed to.

This couple had committed to two significant activities during the event. About a month before the event the husband sent word through his wife that he wouldn’t even be in town for the event. Apparently a “work trip” came up and he had to be in Alaska to go fishing and rafting. His wife even had a hard time believing this one.

Needless to say, the activities he committed to got neglected and required everybody else involved to cover for him. Fortunately, everyone stepped up and covered for him in his absence. His wife wasn’t really pleased at having to do all the work herself but with everybody’s help and support the event was a huge success.

I share this story because it’s so relatable to the business world. If one member of a team doesn’t carry his or her weight the rest of the team suffers and is at risk. It doesn’t take much to throw everything off and cause problems for the project and the team. Backing out or not fulfilling a responsibility on a project may seem like something small but it can quickly escalate.

With this in mind, here are some tips to help eliminate and plan for these types of issues.

• Communicate effectively: This may seem basic, but a lack of communication can be the start of a big problem. Sometimes it seems like something may be obvious or implied. Don’t assume that. Even if it seems simple of like it’s understood, communicate it. That way everybody will know it and you don’t have to wonder or worry that somebody might not have picked it up or understood it.
• Set deadlines: Nothing drives like a deadline. A deadline will also keep the assignment at the front of a persons mind and allow them to coordinate and strategize their schedule and other responsibilities accordingly so they can meet the deadline. It is also a very effective way to hold people accountable.
• Meet regularly to assess progress: At first meetings may be spread out a further and then begin to be more regular as you get closer to the deadline or event. These meetings should be used to review progress, challenges and discuss potential issues and strategize about potential roadblocks. Regular meeting will make sure everybody is on task and committed to success.
• Be honest: Don’t be afraid to tell somebody if they’re not cutting it. Use these opportunities to emphasis the importance of the project, motivate and answer any questions or address concerns. Honesty is always the best policy and in my opinion is the best and most effective way to communicate.

In the example I shared above, we followed these tips and in the end the event was a success. It wasn’t always easy and it took a lot of adjustments and sacrifice from five of the six of us. A successful project or event is very rewarding and by following these tips you can significantly increase your chances of success.

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