
Archive for November, 2017

Book Review: American Sniper

Posted by jdkartchner on November 30, 2017

Book Title: American Sniper

Author: Chris Kyle

American Sniper

I have to admit, I saw the American Sniper movie prior to reading the book. Normally I prefer to read the book first and then see the movie, but to be honest, I hadn’t heard of the book when I saw the movie.

I generally feel that the books are better than the movies. Movies tend to get a little to Hollywood for my liking and this case was no exception.

For those that don’t know, the book highlights the life and military career of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. From 1999 – 2009 Kyle recorded the most confirmed sniper kills in US Military history. The reported number is around 150. Sometimes it’s listed at 160, but many in the military say it’s probably at least double that number.

The book outlines Kyle’s early life and how he came to be a Navy SEAL. Like other books I’ve read about SEAL’s he goes into great detail about BUD’s training to become a SEAL. I’ve read a number of books from former SEAL’s and appreciate what they go through to qualify and become a SEAL. What was different about Kyle’s version is his honesty about the training, specifically how he wasn’t a huge fan of the water and jumping out of planes. He did it though because he wanted to be a SEAL and that’s what he had to do to qualify.  I respect and appreciate his honesty.

I’m not a huge fan of open water and as Kyle described some of the swimming training and issues with sharks in the ocean I am more convinced that I could never become a SEAL.

Kyle placed his priorities as God, country and family. Early in his SEAL career this was evident. He was committed to being a SEAL and protecting the country. He did it very well. As he described the four tours he served the stories and experiences are amazing. He protected and saved countless American lives with his snipper skills and was a one man wrecking crew that the enemy feared and wanted to eliminate.

He had a bounty on his head and never shirked out of his duty. In fact, as his priorities were changing and family moved up his list and became more important, or more of a focus for him, he felt a great deal of guilt and was torn with leaving the Navy to send more time with his family.

I loved the book and the experiences he shared. As a result of reading this book, I also did some additional reading from articles I found online. Kyle was a true American hero. He died in 2013 when a fellow military veteran killed him. He died way to early leaving a wife and two kids.

The book, much like Kyle’s life is an honest account and is clearly in his own voice. He writes like he talks which added to the entertainment factor. I recommend this book. It was a great read. I was entertained and grateful for Kyle’s service and the countless others like him who have dedicated their lives to defending our country and freedoms.

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