
Posts Tagged ‘#Messaging’

How Much Is Too Much?

Posted by jdkartchner on December 3, 2014

Sometimes you don’t know how much you know until you are asked to tell somebody. I run into this all the time as I deal with clients, specifically when we first start our client/consultant relationship. It’s often when I start digging and asking a lot of questions that the full story starts coming out. When this happens its usually surprising at just how much information or knowledge the client has that could be useful to me doing my PR job.

In these instances I typically ask why they didn’t share this info before and the response is usually a blank stare followed by simple shrug or a, “I don’t know.”

Sometimes the fault is mine. In those instances, I explain to the client that the more information they can share with me the better. This explanation is usually followed with a variation of the question, “How much information is too much?”


The question is fair enough considering that most people don’t realize just how much knowledge or information they know. With that question in mind, here are five tips for knowing which information you should share with your PR team.

• Product related information. If the knowledge you have is related directly to your product, you should share it with your PR team. This doesn’t just apply to the benefits and features of your product but also to the weaknesses or faults in a product. Your PR team can help you identify the right messages for both situations and coach you on how to best communicate these to the media.
• Industry trends. The media loves to know trends and be up on the latest and greatest developments. If you have industry knowledge or expertise about a specific trend in the marketplace, by all means share that with your PR team. This information will allow your PR representative to help establish you as a thought leader and industry expert.
• Time sensitive information. Chances are, if something is time sensitive it’s important to share with your PR team. I once worked with a client that would plan events, including press conferences and fail to notify me until the last minute. Shortly before the press conference date I’d get a series of calls telling me the date of the press conference, venue and other important details. Sometimes I’d find these details out by reading the clients Facebook page.
• Milestones. Milestones and significant achievements are often newsworthy and can be used to show the media that the company is progressing and growing. Sometimes people don’t want to brag, but sharing this information is helpful and demonstrates progress.
• Product/company road map. Every business has or should have a roadmap for their company and or product. This is information that should definitely be shared with your PR team. A good PR person will use this to help shape the PR strategy moving forward and can tell you which elements are newsworthy and can be utilized to generate interviews and media coverage.

So often I see clients say something like, “I knew that” or see an article that applies to their industry and they try to or want to say, “Me too.” By this time it’s too late, unless you can add something that ‘s unique or different you’ll end up being that person that’s always saying, “Me too, me too.” By sharing your expertise and knowledge you can lead the way and have competitors or others in the marketplace saying, “Me too,” to the things you’re doing.

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Who Are You?

Posted by jdkartchner on June 28, 2013

When we begin working with a new client, one of the first things we do with that client is what we call a messaging workshop.  Having a clear and concise message allows you to build a solid foundation from which every other PR activity can build on.

The purpose of the workshop is to identify key messages that clearly articulate what your company does and the benefits of the product or service your company provides.

As we conduct this messaging, the first question we ask the company is what the business does?  I’m always surprised at how often people can’t tell us what their business does.  Usually, one person will start off trying to explain what the company does only to be interrupted by somebody else that usually says something different

The ability to accurately describe what your company does is critical to helping potential customers, partners and investors understand what you do and the value you add.  When I think of messaging, I always think of the episode on Seinfeld where Elaine can’t figure out a cartoon in The New Yorker.  To get an audience with the magazine, she creates a ruse where she tells the editor of The New Yorker that the J. Peterman catalog is thinking of adding cartoons to their catalog in the hopes that if people laugh maybe they won’t be so quick to return merchandise.

As Elaine is meeting with the editor, she questions him about the cartoon, specifically what it means and why it’s funny.  The editor tries to give a reason but it’s quickly evident he has no idea why the cartoon is funny. The editor even resorts to making up a word to try and disguise the fact that he doesn’t know why the joke is funny.  Elaine calls him on the made up word and the editor finally admits that he doesn’t know why the cartoon is funny and says that he published the cartoon because he thought the kitty in it was cute.

The episode is comical and uncomfortable because the editor can’t explain why the cartoon is funny.  When a business can’t explain what it does effectively it’s every bit as uncomfortable.

When creating your company message, to make it clear and concise, I recommend the following:

  • Get to the point.  Don’t beat around the bush.  Simply say what it is your business does.  Approach it like you have a word limit and try to explain it in 25 words or less.  Once you can do that, build out additional bullet points that expand on the 25-word description.
  • Avoid jargon.  Nobody wants to hear that your company or product is revolutionary or that it’s a turn-key solution.  These are wasted words that get used so often they have no meaning.  Avoid them and cut them out of your vocabulary.
  • Be consistent.  Your description of what you do should be the same every time you tell it.  That doesn’t mean that you use the same words each time but that the message is the same every time.  If you tell a different story each time you talk about your business it will create confusion.  You’ll start seeing that as people talk about you or write about your business that what’s being said is inconsistent and inaccurate.
  • Be honest.  People think that PR is all about spin and that PR professionals are spin-doctors.  That’s not the case.  PR people help you find the best ways to communicate your message and the best places to tell your company’s story.  When you get the opportunity to do so, be honest.  Don’t try to embellish to make things sound better than they are.  If you’re dishonest and a customer doesn’t get what they expect and are disappointed, they’ll likely talk to others and word will spread and cause more damage and create distrust amongst potential customers.
  • Develop messaging around topics you don’t want to discuss.  The Boy Scout motto is to be prepared.  Even if you don’t want to talk about something, the question could come up and you should be prepared to discuss it.  If you’re not prepared and the topic comes up it can rattle you or cause you do lose focus.  These types of reactions can cast doubt and lead to more questions you may not want to discuss.  If you’re prepared you can avoid looking flustered and quickly move on to more relevant topics.
  • Features and benefits. Everybody wants to know how working with your company or using your product will benefit them.  Be prepared to discuss the features and benefits and how they apply to your customers.  When somebody clearly understands the benefits of the product or service you provide it builds confidence and spurs sales.

A clear, concise message and the ability to present that message consistently are critical in communicating to customers, partners and others your company interacts with.  If the message you deliver is cluttered and inconsistent there is no chance your audiences will receive and understand it.  If they can’t understand the chance of them investing in your product or service is greatly diminished.

Author: Jeremy Kartchner | Google+

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